Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Square Two....

Well last post I was a square one with no real clue as to what to do next now that I am basically recovered from my adrenal fatigue but not yet a mom.  The past few months I've been praying a lot, doing some research, and trying new things.  It turns out there are an incredible amount of amazing Christian organizations that are based out of south orange county!  For one, The International Princess Project that works to help victims of the sex trade is based in Irvine not far from David's office!  There are several ministries that reach out to the elderly and the Orange County rescue mission is one of the best in the entire country.  In short there are no shortage of good causes that need volunteers.  But I also learned an important lesson through adrenal fatigue and that is that if I am stretched too thin then nothing get's accomplished but failed promises.  So I've been praying and really paying attention to our small group study, "Experiencing God."  In the study Henry Blackabee makes it clear that God is at work all around us and we just have to pray, listen, and join God where He is at work!  So with lots of prayer I began looking for direction in our local church, Kingsfield.  God clearly put us here for a reason and there are lots of things God is doing to get involved with.

For starters I've become a volunteer in our children's ministry once a month and I get to help lead kids worship with lots of motions and after teaching time lead a small group with 2nd and 3rd graders!  I love our program and they do such a wonderful job teaching and inspiring these kids to follow Jesus.  Second I started volunteering on Fridays at our church thrift store located in downtown Laguna Beach.  It has been a hoot and I have enjoyed getting to know the characters that come in every Friday!  Most of the proceeds from the thrift store go to support an orphanage a couple from our church started 5 years ago in the Philippines called Beacon of Hope.  Which brings me to the third and most exciting thing God has given me a chance to do! Our church is sending a team to the Philippines to help out at the orphanage.  I wasn't sure my body could handle it but I prayed an God confirmed that this is where He wants me to be.  This is such a blessed season in my life where I can minister in ways I will not be able to during the young mom phase of life.  I am very excited to be going on the trip in February and it is all kind of surreal it has happened so fast.

More details to come!

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